This website is currently developing as our four parishes develop their new relationship and partnership.
Our four parishes strive to serve God and his people in the Tyne and Derwent Valleys. We believe that our faith can help to make us better people, caring for others while on our journey to our heavenly home. We respect and keep safe all who come to join us, what ever their circumstances. As the Catholic Church, we welcome everyone, inspired by the words of Pope Francis in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti:
Of the counsels (St) Francis offered, I would like to select the one in which he calls for a love that transcends the barriers of geography and distance, and declares blessed all those who love their brother “as much when he is far away from him as when he is with him”. In his simple and direct way, Saint Francis expressed the essence of a fraternal openness that allows us to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person, regardless of physical proximity, regardless of where he or she was born or lives.”
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For details of this week's services and Masses, please see this week's newsletter
Please remember in your prayers at this time...
All those in our parishes who are sick, including:
Deacon Derek Gallagher, Craig Sutton, Jenny Burns, Simon Burns, Pat Butler, Chloe Cant, Tommy Carr, Valeria Coleman, Shirley Cresci, Eleanor Dobson, Stephen Duffy, Jack & Ellen Goodfellow, Michael Hogan, Michelle Horrocks, John James, Sienna Jane McNestry, Fr Alan Macknight, Terry Meadows, Norah Parker, Annette Pinota, Frances Renwick, Norah Rogers, Barbara Wray, Kathleen Diamond
- Eileen Theresa Clark (nee Silcock) whose requiem Mass will take place at St Joseph’s, Blaydon on Friday 24th January at 10am
- James Cunningham Barrett whose Funeral Service will take place at St Joseph’s, Blaydon on Tuesday 21st January at 1.30pm
- Josephine Shaw whose Funeral Service will take place at St Anne’s, Winlaton on Thursday 30th January at 11.30am
Please contact the parish office requesting the name of the person to be included in the published list for people who are sick/housebound. Only the named person, or their next of kin/close relative, is permitted to give permission for their name to be included in the published list in the newsletter. Please inform us if someone’s name can be removed from the list.
Cycle of Prayer
During this winter period of Ordinary Time, we pray especially for:
- Peace on Earth, especially on the Day of Prayer for Peace (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) and (from 2016) Racial Justice Day (3 Sundays before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
- Christian Unity, especially during the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity (18–25 January)
- Victims of Human Trafficking, especially on St Josephine Bakhita (8 February)
- The Sick and those who care for them, especially on World Day for the Sick (11 February)
- The Unemployed, especially on the Day of Prayer for the Unemployed (1 Sunday before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope” – hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis.
In our Diocese, we’ll be reflecting on our initial Diocesan Vision during the Jubilee Year. There will be lots of resources for parishes, clergy, religious, laypeople, educators and more, both on the Jubilee Year and on our Diocesan Vision. It’s a vital year in the Church’s life.
There’s more information about the Jubilee Year on the Diocesan website HERE.